What is The Body Code?
The Body Code is a form of energy healing. The intention is to facilitate you healing yourself.
The Body Code focuses on correcting imbalances which have become "tucked away" within our bodies. The intention is that by discovering and releasing / correcting these imbalances your body functions at a higher energy level. The desired results are an increased level of health and well-being.
I like to think of it as peeling back the layers of an onion. You start with the outer, protective layer and then work your way towards the core.
Your system is very protective of you. Our bodies are designed to protect us from physical harm as well as any mental and emotional harm. They are also very good at healing themselves; especially when allowed to.
Have you ever gone through a "heart wrenching" experience? Something that you felt like you almost did not survive and definitely could not do that again. Commonly, when this happens our subconscious builds a wall around our heart in an effort to protect us from any future events. This becomes what is known as a Heart-Wall.
The intention of a heart-wall is to protect from future pain; especially intense pain. The undesired result is that it eventually becomes difficult for us to connect with other people. This heart-wall had a good purpose but it no longer is needed and now interferes with the happiness level of our lives. The Emotion Code can release your Heart-Wall.
Have you ever had something that "no matter what" you do you just can't seem to overcome it? Often times this is a programming that we are not fully aware of. The Body Code can reveal the source of this "character flaw" and then release it if your body is ready and willing.
Have you ever had a time in which "out of nowhere" comes an intense pain? The Body Code has the potential to help you discover the source of the pain and then resolve it appropriately.
All results of The Emotion Code and The Body Code depend on two things. First, your conscious willingness to heal or let it go. Second, the willingness of your subconscious to heal or let it go. The subconscious is usually willing when it feels it is finally in a safe place.
Sometimes we have become used to feeling off or not being well to the point that it has just become a part of who we are. Or, sometimes we find ourselves believing that being unwell is simply our lot in life. Frequently, in these instances we have unknowingly taken being ill as part of our identity.
Our subconscious wants to make sure that we are in a safe place before it is willing to let go of what it has collected over the years. That is one reason why years after something traumatic we will sometimes have mysterious rashes, aches, pains, illnesses, etc. Our body finally feels that it is safe to let go and so it does. It is truly amazing how our body can continue to function even when it is struggling; all the time we are consciously unaware.
The Emotion Code and The Body Code are intended to help you heal yourself; physically, mentally, emotionally. Ultimately, you are the one who is responsible for the results you receive from Body Code sessions. It is your choice and your responsibility to choose how to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Disclaimer: The Emotion Code and The Body Code are not intended to replace the advice and care of medical professionals. It is recommended to seek the aide of competent, licensed medical professionals for any health issue or concern.
www.discoverhealing.com is an excellent resource for additional information and testimonials.
Disclaimer: The Emotion Code / Body Code are not a replacement for advice from a licensed medical professional. The Emotion / Body Code is to help your body work more efficiently. Ultimately, you are the one who is responsible for your own health.
By proceeding with Emotion Code session(s) or Body Code session(s) you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Neither, I nor Discover Healing make any promises as to results you may or may not receive or for the status of your health in any way.
My Current Rates:
Animals: $50 per session
People: $100 per session
If these rates are a burden to your family please contact me and we discuss options.
My objective is to help as many people as I possibly am able to while providing for my family.
For Fun:
Why is there Jasmine at the top of the page?
I realized that the initials of Redone Inside And Out are RIO. I believe that God is always sending us messages of love. So, I looked up the meaning of RIO.
Rio means river in Spanish and other languages. God is our life giving water.
Rio means Jasmine and Center in Japanese and other languages.
Jasmine means Gift From God. I have received many gifts from God in my life.
Foot Zoning and The Body Code are two of my many gifts.
Center is easy. My daily quest is to have God at my center at all times.
What is a time when you have recognized a love message from God? Feel free to share with me if you feel it appropriate.